Game Guide

All the info you need to play Windfall.


Weapon Triangle

This image shows the triangle of effectiveness when choosing Sword, Shield, or Scroll


Your total wins in the current run.


Your current life total. Once this reaches zero, the run ends. Your total lives cannot exceed 3.

Enemy Box

This box contains info on the current enemy.

Enemy Class

This stat determines the enemy's proficiencies.

Enemy Proficiency Signifiers

These icons represent the enemy's likelihood of choosing Sword (Str), Shield (Def), or Scroll (Wis). They also represent the enemy's stat distribution.

Option Menu

This menu contains audio controls, the game guide, and two options for returning to the home page.

Skill Check Menu

This menu contains the players skill check options.


Sword, Shield, Scroll

In "Sword, Shield, Scroll", the user selects one of three weapons to clash against their opponent. The enemy will choose an attack of their own once the player has made their selection. Like Rock, Paper, Scissors; the victor is decided based on the weapon triangle located in the center of the screen.

The player can view the opponents Proficiency Signifiers at the top of the screen to help determine the enemy's potential weapon selection. Despite this, all enemies have the potential to choose any weapon type, just with varying degrees of likelihood.

Skill Check

Once per level up, the player can instead use a Skill Check to determine the outcome of combat. A Skill Check pits the player and the enemy's chosen stat against each other to determine the victor. In the case of a tie, the player will always take the win. The player can use the enemy's Proficiency Signifiers to aid in determining if they will succeed in the Skill Check. The more arrows, the higher the enemy's stat is in that specific skill.

If the player wins the Skill Check, their score will increase by one. If the player has less than three lives, they will also gain a life!

Losing a Skill Check results in the player losing a life and gaining no score.


Upon reaching fives wins, the player will level up! The player can then choose two +1 stat boosts.


After combat or level up, you have a random chance of finding an encounter! Encounters place the player in a scenario with multiple options.

Should the player win the encounter, their score will increase by one.

Failure (which can only occur when the player selects a Random Chance choice.) results in the player losing one life.

Encounters are optional, but more on that in a moment.

Luck Option

The first choice presents the player with an option to complete the scenario with a percentage chance. This chance is displayed on the right hand side of the option and changes based on the encounter. These are the only options that have a chance of failure, so proceed with caution!

Stat Option

The second option is only selectable if the player currently has the appropriate stat level required. The requirement is located on the right hand side of the option, and the stat required is signified by the icon on the left of the option.

Class Option(s)

Based on the players current class, a class option may appear! Each prompt has one or more unique class options the player can choose if they are the required class. If a prompt doesn't have a class option, you are not a class that has a class option. See how many unique class options you can find!


The final option of every encounter gives the player the ability to flee. This will result in no score being earned but the player also wont lose a life for doing so. If your only option is a Luck option and you're on your last life, it may be safer to flee!

Choose your starting class!



Strolling through town, you pass by a store selling magic scrolls. As you peer through the window, you faintly hear the sizzle of an unraveled fire scroll. The front door is locked and the shopkeep can't seem to open the door.

Still hours out from Altia, you decide to take a few shortcuts. One of those shortcuts takes you to a frail rope bridge that connects to the next cluster of island.

Walking through the forests of Camolin, you hear a man cry out for help in the distance. As you approach, you see a Dwarf being encircled by skeletons.

You've been holding back a swarm of goblins for almost an hour, when their chieftain steps out from the cave and challenges you.

The town of Mournhold offers a handsome reward to the hero that slays the banshee threatening their peace. You're confident in your skills, but a banshee's wail can easily stop the heart of someone weaker than it.

The night is young, but the tavern is already getting rowdy. You're staring into your mug when you hear a brawl break out across the way. You see a few thugs throwing down with an elf who looks way in over his head. Whether it's drunken brovado or stupidity, you can tell the elf doesn't stand a chance.

Your adventures have brought you to the frigid mountains of Atmos. As you approach the mouth of a small cavern, you feel the thrum of magic radiating from within. You spot a chest with a dim purple aura that's illuminating the skeleton of an unfortunate mage.

You won tickets to a magic show at the Altian Ashwood Ampitheater. As the final act reaches it's climax, the wand passively blasting fireballs at the Gallwo Gliders begins shooting into the crowd!

After an arduous battle, Du'Gulda the lich rests dead at your feet. Infront of his obsidian throne stands the portal that leads to the kidnapped denizens of Wel'dohr. It'd be simple enough to step through and free them, but you have a feeling the lich has trapped the portal in some way.

Score: 0


Lives: 3






Your luck has run out fellow traveler! Feel free to grab more of your favorite drink and try another run.

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Score: 0

Lives: 3






A toast to your success - you leveled up! Please choose two stats to increase.


Str | Arm Wrestle

Def | Block Punch

Wis | Tell A Riddle